What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

SERVPRO just saved our holidays! After a flooded basement late on Friday night, it took SERVPRO just a few hours to make sure the damage wouldn’t get worse! Thanks guys, we are so grateful!" 

They were outstanding and kept me calm through this mess. Greatly appreciated

Mike came earlier than I expected and was so knowledgeable. He educated me on my systems and did a marvelous job. My home is much more comfortable and efficient. I strongly recommend SERVPRO of Bordentown / Pemberton.

Mike and his team were a huge help with this nightmare my family and I had to deal with.  Thank-you!

The staff was very professional and friendly, from beginning to end.  From the very first call with Peter, everyone was very courteous and respectful.  Every question I had was answered was explained very thoroughly by Steve.  We truly appreciate all the work that was done by the staff, with no problems, we thank the staff, Steve, and Peter. 

Very professional and friendly. Steve and crew were very thorough, A+

These guys are incredible. We highly recommend them. Service was outstanding. 

SERVPRO team rocks!! Thanks so much for wonderful service.

Steve and Sean were great, responded very quickly, and went above and beyond the scope of work.